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Beautiful and Real

Beautiful and Real

I stand before you nowfearful and broken in half.It feels like I have lost myself.But it is my turn to tell you a beautiful story.One that I hope will touch your heart and help me heal. We danced together.We took off our masks.We remembered who we were. And became who...
The Price of Time

The Price of Time

“Thus, the Ongoingness of Love is unto forever,which has no count, no time, no measure,for forever is in a moment, yet the moment is infinity.Love in freedom and you will love yourself. Love sets you free,So, true love also sets your lover free…” ~...
Postcard 2

Postcard 2

In the middle of august when the southwest wind blows after sunset through the leisuring air, he bent at my bed and took some clay and touched the eyes of my heart. I knew his heart was Love’s very own heart and saw in him the longing mirroring my own...
Postcard 1

Postcard 1

We had just met.  I had planned a trip to Europe with my brother and now I didn’t want to leave. What we had found together was beyond anything either of us could comprehend in such a short time. Our lives had unalterably changed the moment we recognized each...